Benefits of Alesco

Fulfilling Your Needs

Ensure the welfare of your employees with our Personal Accident, Sickness and Business travel policies.

The loss of an employee through illness or disability, whether temporary or permanent, can have far-reaching consequences for the organisation, not to mention the employee in question.

Group personal accident and sickness insurance provides a benefit following an accident or illness to an employee which temporarily or permanently prevents them undertaking their occupation. This includes cover for accidental death, permanent total disability or partial disablement and temporary total or partial disablement.

Tailored Programmes

Plus, we also offer a range of corporate travel insurances for business travellers, while travelling overseas or staying away from home within their own country of residence.

The cover we arrange could include:

  • Medical expenses and emergency evacuation/repatriation insurance
  • Cancellation & curtailment cover
  • Replacement personnel
  • Baggage & personal effects
  • Money
  • Passport and other travel documents
  • Legal expenses
  • Personal liability insurance
  • Hijack insurance
  • Catastrophe insurance


By choosing Alesco for your travel or personal accident insurance, you can benefit from the following unique advantages:

  • Cover arranged for security, humanitarian and media personnel in conflict areas and war zones
  • Cover provided for groups of any size, whether businesses or membership organisations/associations
  • End-to-end advisory services
  • All claims are handled in-house